Take Hustle out of the Holidays

Does the Holiday Hustle have you spinning in circles?

Burn out is real and with already demanding schedules, it is easy to get carried away saying YES to every to way too much. Every holiday gathering, bringing dishes, buying gifts, planning holiday social content, and so much more, not to mention seasonal weather implications, changing schedules for kids, and a real desire to GIVE during the Holidays because that’s the right thing to do.

Now more than ever we need to know our priorities, set boundaries, and schedule things in, including YOU time. One of my favorite books on the matter The Best Yes, Making by Lysa TerKeurst, helps you take inventory of where you’re spending your time and remembering that we are whole people that need to focus on our whole self.

From a systems stand-point, remembering that YOU have to come first, blocking off any time you need or want to care for yourself goes in the calendar first. Period. Not negotiable. Then you block off your ideal calendar for work and family, social time, and other items on your priority list, adding in flex time to allow for life’s interruptions. If, and only IF there is time you are willing to offer up after all of that, and it’s something that brings you joy, go ahead and say yes. If not, give yourself grace; it’s okay to say no.

Sounds easy, right? I know what you’re thinking, systems work but they don’t help with guilt and sticking to boundaries. That in itself is a practice. If you have tried blocking time and continue to schedule over yourself, consider working with a life coach or checking out some podcasts. Cyrina Talbott has some great information on boundaries.

If it’s in-depth on calendering and systems you’re looking for, I’m here to help.

In the meantime, you keep working on YOU this season and make that your number one gift. After all… it’s About Time.

Taren Sartler