Using Your Love Language On Yourself

I am sure you have heard of the five diffrent love languages; but let me remind you of them just in case.

  1. Words of Affirmation: the use of words to affirm other people by encouraging, appreciating, emphasizing, and listening actively.

  2. Acts of Service: actions speak louder than words.

  3. Receiving Gifts: receiving a gift, using thoughtfulness, speak purposefully.

  4. Quality Time: giving the other person uninterrupted and focused attention/conversation. One-on-one time is crucial.

  5. Physical Touch: Use body languyage and touch to express love.

If you do not know your love language, take some time with those definitions or take a quiz to see which one(s) matches you best. It is totally okay to have multiple love languages.

My main point of this is have you ever wondered how your love language could be used on yourself? Usually we think of love languages with significant others or friendships, but why not express the language we need on ourself? For example, if your love language is Words of Affrimation try putting post-it notes saying “I am enough” on your bathroom mirror so you can see it multiple times a day. This can also look like journaling your strengths and keeping self-talk positive. Or how about Acts of Service? Maybe this can come out as having an organized and clean space for yourself at home or taking care of your health (nutritious meals, moving your body). Receiving gifts is another easy task for yourself. It can manifest as only buying what you truly love, gift yourself with your favorite flowers, or even investing further in your education. For Quality Time, try spending the first few moments of the day performing mindfulness practices. This helps you get to know your mind and soul on a different level. Or do not over-schedule yourself because you cannot pour from a empty or broken cup. Lastly, Physical Touch could be giving yourself a massage, taking time to moisturize your skin or even giving yourself a facial. A really simple way is giving yourself a big hug which can be done at any time of the day.

Self-love creates more time. It helps to preserve and build up our energy, allows us to prevent burnout, and gives us permission to take breaks to be able to show up for yourself and those around you. Have you ever noticed the difference of getting up an hour earlier? Being able to have time to go about your morning instead of the 15 minute routine that includes rushing out the door. I promise that the more you know about true self-love practices, the better your schedule will look and feel. We need to take care of our mental health to be able to live a fulfilling life. Time management and mastering your time so you can have more time for ‘play’ is not always being an expert at time blocking or delegating, it holds just as much importance with topics such as this.

Thanks for reading, Tick Tockers. Give this a share to someone who might benefit.

-Tick Tock…It’s About Time

Taren Sartler