Resolution Tips That Work

Resolutions are always the talk of the New Year. The saying of, New Year New Me typically comes to mind; however, do you start to notice that sometimes these resolutions end up failing or start to dwindle in February? Well, I am going to share why they fail, and how you can stick to yours.

  • A study by researchers at Scranton University found that only 19 percent of individuals keep their resolutions. Most are abandoned by mid-January. But WHY? And what can you do to stick to yours?

  • #1) You didn’t clearly define your goals.  When you don’t have a clear vision of what you want, it’s really hard to get there. Rather than saying “I want to earn 6 figures in my business this year”, write down the amount you want to earn, the number of clients you need to attain or sales you need to make, how you’re going to get in front of them then convert those conversations into revenue and then put that plan into action.

  • #2) You start to feel overwhelmed.  Change is hard and sticking with it can be harder, especially if you didn’t create a plan.  Quick habit shift, create a plan to track the activities that produce results towards your goals, then review progress.  Ask for help and get some accountability.  We are more likely to disappoint ourselves than others so if you have to do a progress check-in regularly, you’ll be more apt to stay on track. One of my favorite studies led to Pearson’s Law which states “When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.” 

  • #3) You start to feel discouraged.  This is where a reality check comes in.  If your expectations are unrealistic around how quickly you should see progress, you’ll quickly become disappointed and that can lead to believing that your change isn’t working and that leads to quitting.  To keep your expectations in check, consider breaking your goals into smaller, more manageable milestones. If your year-end goal is to lose 20 lbs and you’ve never done that in one year in the past, the outcome seems unrealistic BUT if you focus on losing 5 lbs a quarter or even 1.6 lbs per month and maintaining, then it seems so much easier and attainable.

  • #4) You start to lose motivation.  We see a lot of external pressures in our lives, both personally and professionally.  We either see others accomplishing something we THINK we should, or someone is telling us where we should be in life. Sometimes the change you're trying to make isn’t really something you want. It is okay to step back and reassess what you’re setting out to achieve and ask yourself if YOU really want it.  If not, acknowledge that and move on.  If yes, then go back to numbers 1-3 and repeat the lessons to create your plan.

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Xoxo… Tick Tock… It’s About Time

Taren Sartler